Lögregla í Lancashire, þar sem fyrst var lýst eftir manninum, greinir frá handtöku hans á Twitter-reikningi sínum í dag. Þar segir að lögregla í London hafi haft hendur í hári mannsins í Southall, úthverfi borgarinnar. Þá þakkar lögregla fyrir aðstoð við leitina og kemur einnig á framfæri kveðjum til Scwhimmer.
Following the appeal we posted looking for a man who resembles a well-known actor, we now have an update. Thanks to our colleagues @MetPoliceUK, a 36-year-old man was arrested in Southall last night on suspicion of theft. Thank you for the support, especially @DavidSchwimmer! pic.twitter.com/nOgF1KQb0X
— LancsPolice (@LancsPolice) November 13, 2018
Officers, I swear it wasn't me.
— schwim (@DavidSchwimmer) October 24, 2018
As you can see, I was in New York.
To the hardworking Blackpool Police, good luck with the investigation.#itwasntme pic.twitter.com/EDFF9dZoYR