Your Home, Your Vote Sabine Leskopf skrifar 7. maí 2022 09:31 Reykjavik has been my home for almost 22 years now, I have lost track of how much German or Icelandic I am by now, but I am definitely a Reykvikian, if that is even a word. But for the most part I am a local, from my neighborhood, Laugardalur. This is my home, it’s where the bus stop I use is, the school and preschool my children went to, and it’s where the park is that I walk my dog in. And it’s the place where I first realized how much local politics matter. In 2006, the so-called Sundabraut motorway was proposed which would lead tens of thousands of cars, and particularly heavy traffic, right through my neighborhood. As someone who has been an activist for women of foreign origin since 2004 here in Iceland, I had long noticed many parties being interested in having a foreign name on their list, but usually tucked safely away in the lower ranks. But in 2014 I received an interesting offer, from a friend in Samfylkingin, the Social Democratic Party. I was asked to take a seat on the city council that offered real participation. At first, I didn’t dare participate in the primaries, but accepted a seat as deputy city councilor. Since then I have successfully gone through 2 primaries and received an incredible amount of support. Among the members of this party there was a unique will to have a voice that speaks with an accent. And representation does matter, our current list of candidates is as diverse as I have seen it. Candidates with diverse backgrounds occupy one in the top four candidates, three more in the top 20 and another 3 on the whole list. All of us have been actively involved in the grassroot activities of our party, contributing with our voices, experiences, and points of view to shaping of party politics in all spheres. The sheer number of immigrants who have the right to vote in municipal elections has attracted attention, which is something that we should appreciate. Rightfully so, however, there is concern that too many of them are not aware of this right. I can confirm that this is indeed the case. Both in this and previous campaigns, Samfylkingin has put out information in more than 10 languages, we are visiting workplaces, walking door to door, phoning people, and chatting with people in shopping malls. Still, I meet and talk to many who are not aware of their rights. This is unfortunate and something that should be remedied, because healthy and prosperous societies thrive on participation of all of its inhabitants. This will not be fixed by only reacting right before elections. From my activist work I know how challenging it can be to reach out to people that may be too busy going about their everyday lives to have the luxury of time for politics or activism. But I also know how rewarding it is when it is a success. We politicians need to build trust by our actions, as well as with having a clear vision on how we will deliver promises. Samfylkingin has led an immense increase on spending for the education of children with other mother tongues and just today, the city council passed a new equal pay policy addressing not only the gender wage gap but also the wage gap based on origin. But apart from issues concerning the immigrant status, Samfylkingin is also the party focusing on affordable housing offered by not-for-profit companies like Bjarg and a public transport system that will offer a real alternative to dependence on cars, just to name a choice of issues. This is your home, your vote! Find all the info you need in 10 languages on Höfundur er borgarfulltrúi og frambjóðandi Samfylkingarinnar í komandi borgarstjórnarkosningum. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Samfylkingin Innflytjendamál Reykjavík Sveitarstjórnarkosningar 2022 Borgarstjórn Sabine Leskopf Skoðun: Kosningar 2022 Mest lesið Háskólinn og rektorskjörið Gyða Margrét Pétursdóttir ,Þorgerður Jennýjardóttir Einarsdóttir Skoðun Fékk hann ekki minnisblaðið? Hjörtur J Guðmundsson Skoðun Betra og skilvirkara fjármálakerfi Benedikt Gíslason Skoðun Þegar heiftin nær tökum á hrútakofanum Heimir Már Pétursson Skoðun Geðræni sjúkdómurinn sem gleymist að tala um Stefán Guðbrandsson Skoðun Áskorun til atvinnuvegaráðherra Björn Ólafsson Skoðun Halldór 15.02.2025 Halldór Sérlög til verndar innflytjendum? Margrét Ágústa Sigurðardóttir Skoðun Hvammsvirkjun – frumhlaup og gullhúðun Mörður Árnason Skoðun Skattahækkanir, miðstýring og ESB-þráhyggja Anton Guðmundsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Betra og skilvirkara fjármálakerfi Benedikt Gíslason skrifar Skoðun Háskólinn og rektorskjörið Gyða Margrét Pétursdóttir ,Þorgerður Jennýjardóttir Einarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fékk hann ekki minnisblaðið? Hjörtur J Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Áskorun til atvinnuvegaráðherra Björn Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Skattahækkanir, miðstýring og ESB-þráhyggja Anton Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Sérlög til verndar innflytjendum? Margrét Ágústa Sigurðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Höldum yngri þingmönnum aðskildum frá hinum eldri ! Júlíus Valsson skrifar Skoðun Hvammsvirkjun – frumhlaup og gullhúðun Mörður Árnason skrifar Skoðun Geðræni sjúkdómurinn sem gleymist að tala um Stefán Guðbrandsson skrifar Skoðun Aukinn veikindaréttur – aukið jafnrétti kynjanna – fyrir félagsfólk VR Þorsteinn Skúli Sveinsson skrifar Skoðun Þegar heiftin nær tökum á hrútakofanum Heimir Már Pétursson skrifar Skoðun Verður dánaraðstoð leyfð í Danmörku í náinni framtíð? Bjarni Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Flugvöllur okkar allra! Lilja Rafney Magnúsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Svar við rangfærslum Félags atvinnurekenda um tollamál Erna Bjarnadóttir skrifar Skoðun Við þurfum að ræða um Evrópusambandið Kristján Reykjalín Vigfússon skrifar Skoðun Sannleikurinn um undirbúning útlendingafrumvarpsins Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvernig bætum við stafræna umgjörð heilbrigðiskerfisins? Arna Harðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Þegar raunveruleikinn er forritaður Halldóra Lillý Jóhannsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvernig byggjum við framtíð matvælaiðnaðar á Íslandi? Oddur Már Gunnarsson,Salvör Jónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Á Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn sér viðreisnar von? Ole Anton Bieltvedt skrifar Skoðun Valentínus Árni Már Jensson skrifar Skoðun Velferð framar verðstöðugleika: Hvers vegna lífskjör ættu að vera aðalatriðið Eggert Sigurbergsson skrifar Skoðun Barnavernd í brennidepli! Merki um öryggi – Signs of Safety Gyða Hjartardóttir skrifar Skoðun Kolbikasvört staða María Rut Kristinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Faglegt og jákvætt sérfræðiálit Skipulagsstofnunar um Coda Terminal Edda Sif Pind Aradóttir skrifar Skoðun Ekkert um okkur án okkar Alma Ýr Ingólfsdóttir skrifar Skoðun One way Ticket á Litla-Hraun í framtíðinni! Davíð Bergmann skrifar Skoðun Rauðsokkur í Efra-Breiðholti Edith Oddsteinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Jafningjafræðsla um stafrænt ofbeldi Hjalti Ómar Ágústsson skrifar Skoðun Hugtakinu almannaheill snúið á haus Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir,Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir,Árni Finnsson ,Snæbjörn Guðmundsson,Elvar Örn Friðriksso,Friðleifur E. Guðmundsson,Snorri Hallgrímsson,Sigþrúður Jónsdóttir skrifar Sjá meira
Reykjavik has been my home for almost 22 years now, I have lost track of how much German or Icelandic I am by now, but I am definitely a Reykvikian, if that is even a word. But for the most part I am a local, from my neighborhood, Laugardalur. This is my home, it’s where the bus stop I use is, the school and preschool my children went to, and it’s where the park is that I walk my dog in. And it’s the place where I first realized how much local politics matter. In 2006, the so-called Sundabraut motorway was proposed which would lead tens of thousands of cars, and particularly heavy traffic, right through my neighborhood. As someone who has been an activist for women of foreign origin since 2004 here in Iceland, I had long noticed many parties being interested in having a foreign name on their list, but usually tucked safely away in the lower ranks. But in 2014 I received an interesting offer, from a friend in Samfylkingin, the Social Democratic Party. I was asked to take a seat on the city council that offered real participation. At first, I didn’t dare participate in the primaries, but accepted a seat as deputy city councilor. Since then I have successfully gone through 2 primaries and received an incredible amount of support. Among the members of this party there was a unique will to have a voice that speaks with an accent. And representation does matter, our current list of candidates is as diverse as I have seen it. Candidates with diverse backgrounds occupy one in the top four candidates, three more in the top 20 and another 3 on the whole list. All of us have been actively involved in the grassroot activities of our party, contributing with our voices, experiences, and points of view to shaping of party politics in all spheres. The sheer number of immigrants who have the right to vote in municipal elections has attracted attention, which is something that we should appreciate. Rightfully so, however, there is concern that too many of them are not aware of this right. I can confirm that this is indeed the case. Both in this and previous campaigns, Samfylkingin has put out information in more than 10 languages, we are visiting workplaces, walking door to door, phoning people, and chatting with people in shopping malls. Still, I meet and talk to many who are not aware of their rights. This is unfortunate and something that should be remedied, because healthy and prosperous societies thrive on participation of all of its inhabitants. This will not be fixed by only reacting right before elections. From my activist work I know how challenging it can be to reach out to people that may be too busy going about their everyday lives to have the luxury of time for politics or activism. But I also know how rewarding it is when it is a success. We politicians need to build trust by our actions, as well as with having a clear vision on how we will deliver promises. Samfylkingin has led an immense increase on spending for the education of children with other mother tongues and just today, the city council passed a new equal pay policy addressing not only the gender wage gap but also the wage gap based on origin. But apart from issues concerning the immigrant status, Samfylkingin is also the party focusing on affordable housing offered by not-for-profit companies like Bjarg and a public transport system that will offer a real alternative to dependence on cars, just to name a choice of issues. This is your home, your vote! Find all the info you need in 10 languages on Höfundur er borgarfulltrúi og frambjóðandi Samfylkingarinnar í komandi borgarstjórnarkosningum.
Skoðun Háskólinn og rektorskjörið Gyða Margrét Pétursdóttir ,Þorgerður Jennýjardóttir Einarsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Aukinn veikindaréttur – aukið jafnrétti kynjanna – fyrir félagsfólk VR Þorsteinn Skúli Sveinsson skrifar
Skoðun Hvernig byggjum við framtíð matvælaiðnaðar á Íslandi? Oddur Már Gunnarsson,Salvör Jónsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Velferð framar verðstöðugleika: Hvers vegna lífskjör ættu að vera aðalatriðið Eggert Sigurbergsson skrifar
Skoðun Faglegt og jákvætt sérfræðiálit Skipulagsstofnunar um Coda Terminal Edda Sif Pind Aradóttir skrifar
Skoðun Hugtakinu almannaheill snúið á haus Björg Eva Erlendsdóttir,Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir,Árni Finnsson ,Snæbjörn Guðmundsson,Elvar Örn Friðriksso,Friðleifur E. Guðmundsson,Snorri Hallgrímsson,Sigþrúður Jónsdóttir skrifar