
A Genuinely Inclusive University

Giti Chandra skrifar

Magnús Karl Magnússon and I had our first conversation about the University of Iceland as a genuinely inclusive space when I approached him early last year with regard to a project I was doing. Those conversations intensified when he reached out to me a few months ago because of my work in connection with gender equality and decolonizing higher education. I was impressed by his willingness to connect to people working in areas other than his own. As our discussion has progressed, I have seen how integral these concerns are to his vision of the University, its role and its internal organization.

The many, extensive, conversations have ranged over a wide array of issues that have focused on the changing demographics of the University of Iceland how the now 15-20% of foreign-origin students, faculty, and administrative and service staff experience HI. Along with colleagues, we have discussed the evolving challenges of the classroom in terms of curricula, pedagogy, and interpersonal dynamics, and thought extensively about how the different origins of students and faculty impact the process of learning that is central to the University. We have looked at the ways in which the University space can be made even more accessible to people with different physical and intellectual needs. In all of these, Magnús has listened attentively, spoken to each issue with knowledge and compassion, taken suggestions seriously, and thought of solutions and innovative approaches to each issue raised.

I am convinced that Magnús is deeply serious about the need to improve the University as an inclusive space for everyone. From developing the idea of a committee comprising students, faculty, and administrative staff that would look into the social and ethical aspects of the University’s investments and collaborations and advise the rector on these concerns, to the overhauling of the sexual harassment complaints mechanism so that it is more effective and accessible, to making University websites more accessible for the neuro-divergent, he recognizes that nurturing diversity will make our University stronger in every respect.

Magnús has demonstrated a practical knowledge of how the University is run, how it can rise to ever-changing challenges of finances, political situations, and solidarity-building, and what the position of the rector can do to institute systemic, structural, change. He has been thinking about and advocating for the University publicly for decades now, which is amply evident in this kind of careful, practice-based, attention to the University’s running and a genuine investment in its place in society. This investment can be seen in the fact that I was only one among hundreds of students, administrators, and faculty with whom he has had similar conversations over the last many months. Anyone similarly invested will appreciate the value of Magnús as rector.

Höfundur er fræðimaður við Háskóla Íslands (Associate Professor at the University of Iceland).


Sjá meira
