Workers have the right to decide their own fate in negotiations Ian McDonald skrifar 2. desember 2022 08:01 My name is Ian and I work in a manufacturing job in Iceland. I am a member of Efling Union, and I also sit on the union’s negotiations committee. My job is many levels of management below the executives and the CEOs. I am one of the people who make a product which is then sold for a massive profit by the company where I work. My labor is essential to this continued profitability. As is the labor of everyone I work with, and everyone else in my position at other companies. That labor is the subject of a calculation by employers, which can be boiled down to a single sentence: “What is the absolute bare minimum we can pay this employee to stop him from not taking the job in the first place or from walking out of the door?” I have spent a long time in that position, where my only choices were to try and justify a pay raise to those same people making that calculation, or to wait and hope that other people win some kind of distant fight behind closed doors for any shred of leniency and support. That has now changed. Attending negotiations meetings with employers is the first time that I have been able to sit down and look a person in the eye while they tell us that we don’t deserve to be paid a living wage. For the longest time, we have been lied to that wage increases and other concessions are unaffordable and unrealistic. Until now, we have had no recourse to fight this narrative. No way to tell a truth to that lie. Yet, the idea that a wage increase is unaffordable by corporations is absolutely, fundamentally untrue. Perhaps that is why SA have not brought up that argument in the negotiations with Efling up to this point. Maybe SA knows that the moment they do, they would be confronted by the immense profits of the companies they represent and the entire edifice would crumble. We live in a time where every year gets harder and harder for us to merely exist. Where every paycheck goes less and less far. For far too long we have been deliberately removed and excluded from the very process which determines our quality of life. We have not been considered important enough to even be in the room. Just a number in a calculation. That is changing now. I look forward to continuing my work in the Efling negotiations committee with my brave fellow Efling workers. The author is an immigrant worker in manufacturing in Iceland and member of the Efling negotiations committee. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Kjaramál Kjaraviðræður 2022 Mest lesið Það er allt í lagi að vera þú sjálfur - Opið bréf til Snorra Mássonar Kári Stefánsson Skoðun Samfélag án Pírata Lenya Rún Taha Karim Skoðun Foreldrar, ömmur og afar þessa lands - áskorun til ykkar! Ragnheiður Stephensen Skoðun Hver er munurinn á Viðreisn og Samfylkingu? Soffía Svanhvít Árnadóttir Skoðun Við sem förum til Tenerife - Vaxta og húsnæðispyntingar á almenningi komið frá lífeyrissjóðum og leigufélögum Hreinn Pétursson Skoðun Krónan eða evran? Kostir og gallar Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson Skoðun Annarra manna peningar eru peningar okkar allra Davíð Þór Jónsson Skoðun Þarf ég að flytja úr landi? Katrín Sigríður J. Steingrímsdóttir Skoðun Helvítis fokking fokk!! Er ekki nóg komið? Maríanna H. Helgadóttir Skoðun Ég á ‘etta, ég má ‘etta Jón Ármann Steinsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Nándarhryðjuverk er mannréttindabrot sem fær lítil viðbrögð frá samfélaginu Birna Sól Daníelsdóttir, Helga Benediktsdóttir,Telma Lísa Elmarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Willum Þór – fyrir konur Heiðdís Geirsdóttir,Halla Karen Kristjánsdóttir,Hjördís Guðný Guðmundsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Af hverju kýs ég Samfylkinguna? Guðmundur Ingi Þóroddsson skrifar Skoðun Uppeldi, færni til framtíðar - fór í skúffu stjórnvalda! Una María Óskarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Við sem förum til Tenerife - Vaxta og húsnæðispyntingar á almenningi komið frá lífeyrissjóðum og leigufélögum Hreinn Pétursson skrifar Skoðun Hvar eru málefni barna og ungs fólks? Gunnar E. Sigurbjörnsson skrifar Skoðun Þetta með verðgildin Matthildur Björnsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Stöndum með trans börnum og foreldrum þeirra! Birna Guðmundsdóttir,Elín Oddný Sigurðardóttir,Ynda Eldborg skrifar Skoðun Ég á ‘etta, ég má ‘etta Jón Ármann Steinsson skrifar Skoðun Dómsmálið sem gæti kippt grunninum undan Heidelberg-verksmiðjunni Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Viljum við sósíalisma? Reynir Böðvarsson skrifar Skoðun Það er allt í lagi að vera þú sjálfur - Opið bréf til Snorra Mássonar Kári Stefánsson skrifar Skoðun Rjúfum kyrrstöðu í vegaframkvæmdum um allt land G.Svana Sigurjónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Lýðheilsa bænda Unnur Rán Reynisdóttir,Arnar Páll Gunnlaugsson skrifar Skoðun Hvenær á að skattleggja lífeyri? Inn eða út? Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson skrifar Skoðun Glasið er hálffullt Ingveldur Anna Sigurðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Skilvirkari og einfaldari stjórnsýsla í þágu almennings Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson skrifar Skoðun Gervilíf Geir Gunnar Markússon skrifar Skoðun Málsvari hinsegin samfélagsins og mannréttinda Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson skrifar Skoðun Framtíð til sölu Júlíus Kristjánsson skrifar Skoðun Kona, vertu ekki fyrir! Elín Björg Jónsdóttir,Halldóra Sigríður Sveinsdóttir,Hrafnhildur Lilja Harðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Hagsmunir Evrópu í orkumálum stangast á við okkar hagsmuni Magnús Gehringer skrifar Skoðun Eitt lag enn með Lilju Hópur óperusöngvara skrifar Skoðun Skaðsemi vindtúrbínuvera á íslenska náttúru Anna Sofía Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hver er munurinn á Viðreisn og Samfylkingu? Soffía Svanhvít Árnadóttir skrifar Skoðun Kennarinn sem hvarf Álfhildur Leifsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hamborgarhryggur - minnst viðeigandi jólamaturinn Óskar H. Valtýsson skrifar Skoðun Annarra manna peningar eru peningar okkar allra Davíð Þór Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Fasismi er að trenda – erum við að sofna á verðinum? Guðni Freyr Öfjörð skrifar Skoðun Ehf-gatið og leiðir til að loka því Matthias Harksen skrifar Sjá meira
My name is Ian and I work in a manufacturing job in Iceland. I am a member of Efling Union, and I also sit on the union’s negotiations committee. My job is many levels of management below the executives and the CEOs. I am one of the people who make a product which is then sold for a massive profit by the company where I work. My labor is essential to this continued profitability. As is the labor of everyone I work with, and everyone else in my position at other companies. That labor is the subject of a calculation by employers, which can be boiled down to a single sentence: “What is the absolute bare minimum we can pay this employee to stop him from not taking the job in the first place or from walking out of the door?” I have spent a long time in that position, where my only choices were to try and justify a pay raise to those same people making that calculation, or to wait and hope that other people win some kind of distant fight behind closed doors for any shred of leniency and support. That has now changed. Attending negotiations meetings with employers is the first time that I have been able to sit down and look a person in the eye while they tell us that we don’t deserve to be paid a living wage. For the longest time, we have been lied to that wage increases and other concessions are unaffordable and unrealistic. Until now, we have had no recourse to fight this narrative. No way to tell a truth to that lie. Yet, the idea that a wage increase is unaffordable by corporations is absolutely, fundamentally untrue. Perhaps that is why SA have not brought up that argument in the negotiations with Efling up to this point. Maybe SA knows that the moment they do, they would be confronted by the immense profits of the companies they represent and the entire edifice would crumble. We live in a time where every year gets harder and harder for us to merely exist. Where every paycheck goes less and less far. For far too long we have been deliberately removed and excluded from the very process which determines our quality of life. We have not been considered important enough to even be in the room. Just a number in a calculation. That is changing now. I look forward to continuing my work in the Efling negotiations committee with my brave fellow Efling workers. The author is an immigrant worker in manufacturing in Iceland and member of the Efling negotiations committee.
Við sem förum til Tenerife - Vaxta og húsnæðispyntingar á almenningi komið frá lífeyrissjóðum og leigufélögum Hreinn Pétursson Skoðun
Skoðun Nándarhryðjuverk er mannréttindabrot sem fær lítil viðbrögð frá samfélaginu Birna Sól Daníelsdóttir, Helga Benediktsdóttir,Telma Lísa Elmarsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Willum Þór – fyrir konur Heiðdís Geirsdóttir,Halla Karen Kristjánsdóttir,Hjördís Guðný Guðmundsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Við sem förum til Tenerife - Vaxta og húsnæðispyntingar á almenningi komið frá lífeyrissjóðum og leigufélögum Hreinn Pétursson skrifar
Skoðun Stöndum með trans börnum og foreldrum þeirra! Birna Guðmundsdóttir,Elín Oddný Sigurðardóttir,Ynda Eldborg skrifar
Skoðun Dómsmálið sem gæti kippt grunninum undan Heidelberg-verksmiðjunni Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson skrifar
Skoðun Það er allt í lagi að vera þú sjálfur - Opið bréf til Snorra Mássonar Kári Stefánsson skrifar
Skoðun Kona, vertu ekki fyrir! Elín Björg Jónsdóttir,Halldóra Sigríður Sveinsdóttir,Hrafnhildur Lilja Harðardóttir skrifar
Við sem förum til Tenerife - Vaxta og húsnæðispyntingar á almenningi komið frá lífeyrissjóðum og leigufélögum Hreinn Pétursson Skoðun