What sort of country do we want to become? Ian McDonald skrifar 11. maí 2023 07:31 The Icelandic government has undergone a shift in priorities over the past few years. Not too long ago, the welfare and wellbeing of its people were seen as an utmost priority, and everything else existed in order to facilitate that wellbeing. Today, tourists and specifically the money they bring, are valued far more than the lives and livelihood of the people who call Iceland home, and furthermore those people now exist mostly to facilitate the wellbeing and comfort of those wealthy tourists. The government likes to claim that the vast amounts of money brought in by tourism will naturally trickle down and wash over the population, bringing prosperity to all it touches. This might be a reality in a fair and just system, or one where the biggest industries are not owned by a tiny handful of people and their families. In that reality, the riches only get concentrated in a few hands and then squirreled away offshore to avoid scrutiny from the tax office. The end result of this kind of a system is for Iceland to end up as a place just like Monaco. One which is hugely expensive, and where the vast majority of jobs are in the service industry, whose workers cannot even afford to live in the cities which they work, serving the rich who travel there. In these kind of places, the government does not care about high prices for food, housing or transportation because they know that the visiting tourists are happy to pay a premium for the privilege of visiting. Therefore there is no incentive to lower costs. Lower prices mean lower profits. Conversely, the workers are forced to pay these extortionate prices because they have no other choice. They are trapped in a system where they spend their entire paycheck just to survive. If the Icelandic government wants to live up to its well-polished, massaged image of equality and a high standard of living, which it likes to portray to the rest of the world, they must state clearly that the people who live here are prioritized more highly than tourist dollars, and to act accordingly. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The GDP of Iceland in 2022 was almost 7 percent, which equates to around 25 billion dollars. There is no reason for people to not be able to afford to survive. No excuses. The author is a member of Efling Union. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Kjaramál Kjaraviðræður 2022-23 Mest lesið Halldór 18.01.2025 Halldór Er heimurinn á leið til helvítis? Árni Sigurðsson Skoðun Blað brotið í húsnæðismálum: VR Blær afhendir sínar fyrstu íbúðir Halla Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson Skoðun Upplýsingaóreiða og rannsóknir á mettaðri fitu Hópur lækna Skoðun Fögnum vopnahléi og krefjumst varanlegs friðar Svandís Svavarsdóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson Skoðun Vinnum í lausnum Edda Sif Pind Aradóttir Skoðun Kóngar vímuefnaheimsins Lára G. Sigurðardóttir Skoðun Hvað með það þótt sérfræðingar að sunnan fari í verkfall? Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir Skoðun Svar við „Upplýsingaóreiða og rannsóknir á mettaðri fitu“ Rajan Parrikar Skoðun Frelsi til sölu Anton Guðmundsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun 13,5 milljónir Sigurður Freyr Sigurðarson skrifar Skoðun Að vera léttvægur fundinn Guðmunda G. Guðmundsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fögnum vopnahléi og krefjumst varanlegs friðar Svandís Svavarsdóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson skrifar Skoðun Er heimurinn á leið til helvítis? Árni Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Vinnum í lausnum Edda Sif Pind Aradóttir skrifar Skoðun Blað brotið í húsnæðismálum: VR Blær afhendir sínar fyrstu íbúðir Halla Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson skrifar Skoðun Frelsi til sölu Anton Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Loftmengun yfir áramótin og mikilvægi inniloftsgæða allt árið Sylgja Dögg Sigurjónsdóttir,Árna Benediktsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Leikskólakerfið á krossgötum: Gæði eða hraði? Svava Björg Mörk skrifar Skoðun Hvað með það þótt sérfræðingar að sunnan fari í verkfall? Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Svar við „Upplýsingaóreiða og rannsóknir á mettaðri fitu“ Rajan Parrikar skrifar Skoðun Dýr eiga skilið samúð og umhyggju Anna Berg Samúelsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Upplýsingaóreiða og rannsóknir á mettaðri fitu Hópur lækna skrifar Skoðun Gervigreind og markþjálfun: Samvinna eða samkeppni? Ásta Guðrún Guðbrandsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Bjarni Ben í þátíð Guðmundur Einarsson skrifar Skoðun Ísland og stórveldin Reynir Böðvarsson skrifar Skoðun Brjóstakrabbamein – náum enn meiri árangri með stóraukinni þátttöku í skimun Halla Þorvaldsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Ósvífin olíugjöld kynda undir verðbólgu Ólafur Stephensen skrifar Skoðun Eru skattar og gjöld verðmætasköpun? Bjarnheiður Hallsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvað er græni veggurinn að reyna að segja okkur? Bjarki Gunnar Halldórsson skrifar Skoðun Sorg barna - Sektarkennd og samviskubit Matthildur Bjarnadóttir skrifar Skoðun Í leikskóla er gaman – þegar það má mæta Valentina Tinganelli,Eyjólfur Sigurjónsson,Elísabet Erlendsdóttir,Sigrún Torfadóttir,Daniel Karlsson,Særún Ósk Böðvarsdóttir,Anna Margrét Arthúrsdóttir,,Una Guðmundsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Ísland verði Noregur á sterum: Sannleikurinn er lyginni líkastur- náttúruauðlindir fást gefins Björn Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Hvers vegna hafa Svíar ekki tekið upp evruna? Júlíus Valsson skrifar Skoðun Górillur í postulínsbúð – Nýfrjálshyggjuklíkan tekur völdin Guðröður Atli Jónsson skrifar Skoðun Leikskólakerfið: Samfélagsgildi fram yfir hagnað Svava Björg Mörk skrifar Skoðun Hagræðing í ríkisrekstri: Heilræði fyrir nýja ríkisstjórn Ómar H. Kristmundsson skrifar Skoðun Mikilvægi stöðutöku á stafrænni hæfni fyrir íslensk ferðaþjónustufyrirtæki Ólína Laxdal,Sólveig Nikulásdóttir skrifar Skoðun Ögn um Vigdísarþætti Hallgrímur Helgi Helgason skrifar Skoðun Rasismi og fasismi í lögum um útlendinga Jón Frímann Jónsson skrifar Sjá meira
The Icelandic government has undergone a shift in priorities over the past few years. Not too long ago, the welfare and wellbeing of its people were seen as an utmost priority, and everything else existed in order to facilitate that wellbeing. Today, tourists and specifically the money they bring, are valued far more than the lives and livelihood of the people who call Iceland home, and furthermore those people now exist mostly to facilitate the wellbeing and comfort of those wealthy tourists. The government likes to claim that the vast amounts of money brought in by tourism will naturally trickle down and wash over the population, bringing prosperity to all it touches. This might be a reality in a fair and just system, or one where the biggest industries are not owned by a tiny handful of people and their families. In that reality, the riches only get concentrated in a few hands and then squirreled away offshore to avoid scrutiny from the tax office. The end result of this kind of a system is for Iceland to end up as a place just like Monaco. One which is hugely expensive, and where the vast majority of jobs are in the service industry, whose workers cannot even afford to live in the cities which they work, serving the rich who travel there. In these kind of places, the government does not care about high prices for food, housing or transportation because they know that the visiting tourists are happy to pay a premium for the privilege of visiting. Therefore there is no incentive to lower costs. Lower prices mean lower profits. Conversely, the workers are forced to pay these extortionate prices because they have no other choice. They are trapped in a system where they spend their entire paycheck just to survive. If the Icelandic government wants to live up to its well-polished, massaged image of equality and a high standard of living, which it likes to portray to the rest of the world, they must state clearly that the people who live here are prioritized more highly than tourist dollars, and to act accordingly. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The GDP of Iceland in 2022 was almost 7 percent, which equates to around 25 billion dollars. There is no reason for people to not be able to afford to survive. No excuses. The author is a member of Efling Union.
Blað brotið í húsnæðismálum: VR Blær afhendir sínar fyrstu íbúðir Halla Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson Skoðun
Fögnum vopnahléi og krefjumst varanlegs friðar Svandís Svavarsdóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson Skoðun
Skoðun Fögnum vopnahléi og krefjumst varanlegs friðar Svandís Svavarsdóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson skrifar
Skoðun Blað brotið í húsnæðismálum: VR Blær afhendir sínar fyrstu íbúðir Halla Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson skrifar
Skoðun Loftmengun yfir áramótin og mikilvægi inniloftsgæða allt árið Sylgja Dögg Sigurjónsdóttir,Árna Benediktsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Brjóstakrabbamein – náum enn meiri árangri með stóraukinni þátttöku í skimun Halla Þorvaldsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Í leikskóla er gaman – þegar það má mæta Valentina Tinganelli,Eyjólfur Sigurjónsson,Elísabet Erlendsdóttir,Sigrún Torfadóttir,Daniel Karlsson,Særún Ósk Böðvarsdóttir,Anna Margrét Arthúrsdóttir,,Una Guðmundsdóttir skrifar
Skoðun Ísland verði Noregur á sterum: Sannleikurinn er lyginni líkastur- náttúruauðlindir fást gefins Björn Ólafsson skrifar
Skoðun Mikilvægi stöðutöku á stafrænni hæfni fyrir íslensk ferðaþjónustufyrirtæki Ólína Laxdal,Sólveig Nikulásdóttir skrifar
Blað brotið í húsnæðismálum: VR Blær afhendir sínar fyrstu íbúðir Halla Gunnarsdóttir,Ragnar Þór Ingólfsson Skoðun
Fögnum vopnahléi og krefjumst varanlegs friðar Svandís Svavarsdóttir,Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson Skoðun