Meðal þeirra er Justin Timberlake, fyrrverandi kærasti Spears, sem sagði á Twitter að óháð sögu þeirra, því góða og því slæma, þá væru þær aðstæður sem henni hefðu verið búnar óréttlætanlegar.
„Það á aldrei að halda neinum gegn vilja þeirra. Né eiga þeir að þurfa að biðja um leyfi til að njóta þess sem þeir hafa unnið fyrir,“ sagði hann meðal annars.
After what we saw today, we should all be supporting Britney at this time.
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) June 24, 2021
Regardless of our past, good and bad, and no matter how long ago it was… what’s happening to her is just not right.
No woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body.
„Við elskum þig Britney!!! Vertu sterk,“ sagði poppdívan Mariah Carey.
We love you Britney!!! Stay strong ❤️❤️❤️
— Mariah Carey (@MariahCarey) June 23, 2021
Tónlistarkonan Halsey sagði öllum þeim að fokka sér sem vildu stjórna því hvort aðrir eignuðust börn eða ekki.
Bless Britney and I hope with my whole heart she is awarded freedom from this abusive system. She deserves it more than anything. I admire her courage speaking up for herself today.
— h (@halsey) June 23, 2021
Additionally, fuck anyone who thinks they have the authority as an institution or individual to control a person’s reproductive health. #FreeBritney
— h (@halsey) June 23, 2021
„Hættið að reyna að stjórna konum,“ tísti leikkonan Rose McGowan.
Britney Spears has every right to be angry. How would you feel if your life was stolen, dissected, mocked? I pray she gets to live your life on her terms. STOP CONTROLLING WOMEN. #FreeBritney – The Hollywood Reporter
— Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) June 23, 2021
„Elsta brellan í reglubók feðraveldisins: Lýsið konu geðveika til að komast yfir eignir hennar,“ sagði tónlistarkonan Liz Phair um forsjárvald föður Spears.
Oldest trick in the playbook of the patriarchy: declare a woman mad and gain control of her assets/property. Been happening for centuries
— Liz Phair (@PhizLair) June 23, 2021
„Pabbi hennar ætti að vera í fangelsi,“ tísti þáttastjórnandinn Meghan McCain.
I feel physically sick about this Britney Spears news - I think because it's about so much more.. Women not being heard, not being trusted, accused of being crazy at any slight deviation from a perfect veneer. We as a society have utterly failed her and her dad should be in jail.
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) June 24, 2021
„Við stöndum með Britney Spears og öllum konum sem sæta þvingunum hvað varðar yfirráð yfir eigin æxlunarfærum,“ sagði framkvæmdastjóri Planned Parenthood.
We stand in solidarity with Britney and all women who face reproductive coercion. Your reproductive health is your own — and no one should make decisions about it for you. #FreeBritney
— Alexis McGill Johnson (@alexismcgill) June 23, 2021