"Þetta er ekki mynd af því sem ég sé í speglinum“ Ritstjórn skrifar 7. apríl 2016 14:15 Kerry Washington á Óskarnum 2016 Glamour Leikkonan Kerry Washington situr fyrir á nýjustu forsíðu tímaritsins Adweek, þar sem hún er í viðtali. Eða er þetta Kerry Washington? Í gær birti hún sjálfa forsíðuna á Instagram síðu sinni þar sem hún orðar það afskaplega smekklega að myndinni hafi verið breytt. Hún segir að það sé heiður að vera á forsíðunni og að hún beri virðingu fyrir Adweek, en það sé skrýtið að horfa á mynd af sér sem er svona frábrugðin spegilmynd sinni. Á umræddri mynd hefur húð hennar verið lýst sem og að hárinu og höfuðlaginu hefur verið gjörbreytt. Dæmi nú hver fyrir sig?Forsíðan umrædda og Kerry á Óskarnum 2016 So...You know me. I'm not one to be quiet about a magazine cover. I always celebrate it when a respected publication invites me to grace their pages. It's an honor. And a privilege. And ADWEEK is no exception. I love ADWEEK. It's a publication I appreciate. And learn from. I've long followed them on Twitter. And when they invited me to do a cover, I was excited and thrilled. And the truth is, I'm still excited. I'm proud of the article. And I like some of the inside images a great deal. But, I have to be honest...I was taken aback by the cover. Look, I'm no stranger to Photoshopping. It happens a lot. In a way, we have become a society of picture adjusters - who doesn't love a filter?!? And I don't always take these adjustments to task but I have had the opportunity to address the impact of my altered image in the past and I think it's a valuable conversation. Yesterday, however, I just felt weary. It felt strange to look at a picture of myself that is so different from what I look like when I look in the mirror. It's an unfortunate feeling. That being said. You all have been very kind and supportive. Also, as I've said, I'm very proud of the article. There are a few things we discussed in the interview that were left out. Things that are important to me (like: the importance of strong professional support and my awesome professional team) and I've been thinking about how to discuss those things with anyone who is interested, in an alternate forum. But until then...Grab this week's ADWEEK. Read it. I hope you enjoy it. And thank you for being patient with me while I figured out how to post this in a way that felt both celebratory and honest. XOXOXOX A photo posted by Kerry Washington (@kerrywashington) on Apr 5, 2016 at 2:46pm PDT Glamour Fegurð Mest lesið Hermir eftir kjólum stjarnanna vopnaður límbyssu Glamour Guli kjóll Beyonce sem allir eru að tala um Glamour „Lítur út eins og 75 ára gömul kona frá Miami.“ Glamour ANTM kveður skjáinn Glamour Sjóðandi heit stikla fyrir Fimmtíu dekkri skugga Glamour Svona verslar þú á útsölum Glamour Moss mæðgur á forsíðu Vogue Glamour Caitlyn gefur út nýja og stærri línu fyrir MAC Glamour Fékk mömmu sína til að sitja fyrir Glamour Ísland í aðalhlutverki í nýrri herferð hjá Selected Glamour
Leikkonan Kerry Washington situr fyrir á nýjustu forsíðu tímaritsins Adweek, þar sem hún er í viðtali. Eða er þetta Kerry Washington? Í gær birti hún sjálfa forsíðuna á Instagram síðu sinni þar sem hún orðar það afskaplega smekklega að myndinni hafi verið breytt. Hún segir að það sé heiður að vera á forsíðunni og að hún beri virðingu fyrir Adweek, en það sé skrýtið að horfa á mynd af sér sem er svona frábrugðin spegilmynd sinni. Á umræddri mynd hefur húð hennar verið lýst sem og að hárinu og höfuðlaginu hefur verið gjörbreytt. Dæmi nú hver fyrir sig?Forsíðan umrædda og Kerry á Óskarnum 2016 So...You know me. I'm not one to be quiet about a magazine cover. I always celebrate it when a respected publication invites me to grace their pages. It's an honor. And a privilege. And ADWEEK is no exception. I love ADWEEK. It's a publication I appreciate. And learn from. I've long followed them on Twitter. And when they invited me to do a cover, I was excited and thrilled. And the truth is, I'm still excited. I'm proud of the article. And I like some of the inside images a great deal. But, I have to be honest...I was taken aback by the cover. Look, I'm no stranger to Photoshopping. It happens a lot. In a way, we have become a society of picture adjusters - who doesn't love a filter?!? And I don't always take these adjustments to task but I have had the opportunity to address the impact of my altered image in the past and I think it's a valuable conversation. Yesterday, however, I just felt weary. It felt strange to look at a picture of myself that is so different from what I look like when I look in the mirror. It's an unfortunate feeling. That being said. You all have been very kind and supportive. Also, as I've said, I'm very proud of the article. There are a few things we discussed in the interview that were left out. Things that are important to me (like: the importance of strong professional support and my awesome professional team) and I've been thinking about how to discuss those things with anyone who is interested, in an alternate forum. But until then...Grab this week's ADWEEK. Read it. I hope you enjoy it. And thank you for being patient with me while I figured out how to post this in a way that felt both celebratory and honest. XOXOXOX A photo posted by Kerry Washington (@kerrywashington) on Apr 5, 2016 at 2:46pm PDT
Glamour Fegurð Mest lesið Hermir eftir kjólum stjarnanna vopnaður límbyssu Glamour Guli kjóll Beyonce sem allir eru að tala um Glamour „Lítur út eins og 75 ára gömul kona frá Miami.“ Glamour ANTM kveður skjáinn Glamour Sjóðandi heit stikla fyrir Fimmtíu dekkri skugga Glamour Svona verslar þú á útsölum Glamour Moss mæðgur á forsíðu Vogue Glamour Caitlyn gefur út nýja og stærri línu fyrir MAC Glamour Fékk mömmu sína til að sitja fyrir Glamour Ísland í aðalhlutverki í nýrri herferð hjá Selected Glamour