The Barbecue Terror 20. júlí 2006 15:41 According to vermin exterminators, they have been receiving numerous calls from people in Reykjavik, furious that seagulls are stealing meat from their barbecues. The incessant noise made by the seagulls is also a popular complaint, and city authorities recently allowed for the culling of seagulls who have seemingly overtaken the City Pond, normally populated by ducks and swans. The Society for Animal Protection has now asked the CIty Council to stop any killing of seagulls, saying that the constant shooting by exterminators makes citizens afraid, as well as filling them with disgust. It therefore looks like a battle has started between lovers of the great seabird and those who can't stand it. News News in English Mest lesið Íslensk kona í haldi: Hótelherbergi á Tenerife þakið blóði Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Breytinga að vænta á fylgi Flokks fólksins Innlent Boeing þota hrapaði í garð íbúðarhúss Erlent Dagur hvetur alla Sjálfstæðismenn til að strika sig út Innlent Sást á öryggismyndavélum þegar Diego var numinn á brott Innlent Lögreglumenn furðuðu sig á vígahnetti Innlent Á bak við auglýsingarnar um Dag en skráður í Samfylkinguna Innlent „Girtu þig nú í brók og horfstu í augu við sjálfan þig“ Innlent Dómsmál setur áform Heidelberg í uppnám Innlent
According to vermin exterminators, they have been receiving numerous calls from people in Reykjavik, furious that seagulls are stealing meat from their barbecues. The incessant noise made by the seagulls is also a popular complaint, and city authorities recently allowed for the culling of seagulls who have seemingly overtaken the City Pond, normally populated by ducks and swans. The Society for Animal Protection has now asked the CIty Council to stop any killing of seagulls, saying that the constant shooting by exterminators makes citizens afraid, as well as filling them with disgust. It therefore looks like a battle has started between lovers of the great seabird and those who can't stand it.
News News in English Mest lesið Íslensk kona í haldi: Hótelherbergi á Tenerife þakið blóði Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Breytinga að vænta á fylgi Flokks fólksins Innlent Boeing þota hrapaði í garð íbúðarhúss Erlent Dagur hvetur alla Sjálfstæðismenn til að strika sig út Innlent Sást á öryggismyndavélum þegar Diego var numinn á brott Innlent Lögreglumenn furðuðu sig á vígahnetti Innlent Á bak við auglýsingarnar um Dag en skráður í Samfylkinguna Innlent „Girtu þig nú í brók og horfstu í augu við sjálfan þig“ Innlent Dómsmál setur áform Heidelberg í uppnám Innlent