Whaling harms image 19. október 2006 12:33 Tourist have begun to cancel whale watching tours booked for next summer with the whale watching company Norðursiglingar in Húsavík confirmed Heimir Harðarson, marketing director and owner of Norðursiglingar. „After commercial whaling started yesterday we have already received cancellations. This decision will obviously affect or business." Around 30.000 tourists went on whale watching tours with Norðursiglingar in summer 2006. Jónína Bjartmarz, Ministry for the Environment, claims that commercial whaling will harm the image of Iceland. She believes Iceland is a leading nation when it comes to dealing with marine resources and believes there are many things to consider. „There are arguments for and against whale hunting. My concerns are that Iceland will loose it's credibility and good image when it comes to environmental issues. I believe our image will weaken when we begin commercial whaling." Bjartmarz believes that misunderstandings about the hunting must be clarified because the debate it not that they are sustainable. The large whale stock can sustain limited hunting. However, it will harm Iceland's image. The decision to resume commercial whaling made by the Government of Iceland has been getting a lot of coverage in the foreign media. All major news agencies in Europe and America have covered the issue. Helgi Ágústsson, Iceland's ambassador in the US was broadcasted live on CNN where he explained the government's stance. A representative from Greenpeace also declared his disappointment with the Icelandic government's decision to lift the ban on commercial whaling. News News in English Mest lesið Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Ný kosningaspá: Sjö flokkar sem næðu inn manni Innlent Um 173 milljónir króna á hvern fanga í nýju fangelsi á Stóra-Hrauni Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent „Talandi um að skila ekki til samfélagsins“ Innlent Erfiðara að manna í frístund í austurhluta borgarinnar Innlent Fjölmenn lögregluaðgerð á Ísafirði Innlent „Er ekki hægt að hafa sér þátt fyrir hann?“ Innlent
Tourist have begun to cancel whale watching tours booked for next summer with the whale watching company Norðursiglingar in Húsavík confirmed Heimir Harðarson, marketing director and owner of Norðursiglingar. „After commercial whaling started yesterday we have already received cancellations. This decision will obviously affect or business." Around 30.000 tourists went on whale watching tours with Norðursiglingar in summer 2006. Jónína Bjartmarz, Ministry for the Environment, claims that commercial whaling will harm the image of Iceland. She believes Iceland is a leading nation when it comes to dealing with marine resources and believes there are many things to consider. „There are arguments for and against whale hunting. My concerns are that Iceland will loose it's credibility and good image when it comes to environmental issues. I believe our image will weaken when we begin commercial whaling." Bjartmarz believes that misunderstandings about the hunting must be clarified because the debate it not that they are sustainable. The large whale stock can sustain limited hunting. However, it will harm Iceland's image. The decision to resume commercial whaling made by the Government of Iceland has been getting a lot of coverage in the foreign media. All major news agencies in Europe and America have covered the issue. Helgi Ágústsson, Iceland's ambassador in the US was broadcasted live on CNN where he explained the government's stance. A representative from Greenpeace also declared his disappointment with the Icelandic government's decision to lift the ban on commercial whaling.
News News in English Mest lesið Pútín hótar afdrifaríkum árásum á Kænugarð Erlent „Ég sé eftir því að nokkru leyti“ Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar kjósa sér nýtt þing Innlent Ný kosningaspá: Sjö flokkar sem næðu inn manni Innlent Um 173 milljónir króna á hvern fanga í nýju fangelsi á Stóra-Hrauni Innlent Svona gullhnullungar finnast hvergi lengur nema í Grænlandi Innlent „Talandi um að skila ekki til samfélagsins“ Innlent Erfiðara að manna í frístund í austurhluta borgarinnar Innlent Fjölmenn lögregluaðgerð á Ísafirði Innlent „Er ekki hægt að hafa sér þátt fyrir hann?“ Innlent