Hot Destination 1. ágúst 2006 16:18 Sólarlag í Reykjavík Jónsmessa miðnætursól sumar í Reykjavík Mynd úr einkasafni Vilhelms Hexa Reykjavik is among the five hottest city destinations in the world in the next five years according to a new survey conducted by, one of the most popular travel websites in the USA. Every five years, the website selects five places that travellers should visit and experience and are set to become the most popular destinations in the next five years. Writers for the website praise Reykjavík highly, especially the energy of its inhabitants and tremendous hospitality. They also cite excellent leisure spots such as the Blue Lagoon and say that there are enough bars and restaurants in the area to satisfy any needs. The five cities reccommended by for the next five years are Shanghai, Cape Town, Albuquerque and New Orleans. The most popular destinations in the last five years according to were London, Cancun, Toronto, Paris and Vancouver. News News in English Mest lesið Íslensk kona í haldi: Hótelherbergi á Tenerife þakið blóði Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Breytinga að vænta á fylgi Flokks fólksins Innlent Boeing þota hrapaði í garð íbúðarhúss Erlent Dagur hvetur alla Sjálfstæðismenn til að strika sig út Innlent Sást á öryggismyndavélum þegar Diego var numinn á brott Innlent Lögreglumenn furðuðu sig á vígahnetti Innlent Á bak við auglýsingarnar um Dag en skráður í Samfylkinguna Innlent Sjálfstæðismaður vill ekki að sitt fólk striki Dag út Innlent Dómsmál setur áform Heidelberg í uppnám Innlent
Reykjavik is among the five hottest city destinations in the world in the next five years according to a new survey conducted by, one of the most popular travel websites in the USA. Every five years, the website selects five places that travellers should visit and experience and are set to become the most popular destinations in the next five years. Writers for the website praise Reykjavík highly, especially the energy of its inhabitants and tremendous hospitality. They also cite excellent leisure spots such as the Blue Lagoon and say that there are enough bars and restaurants in the area to satisfy any needs. The five cities reccommended by for the next five years are Shanghai, Cape Town, Albuquerque and New Orleans. The most popular destinations in the last five years according to were London, Cancun, Toronto, Paris and Vancouver.
News News in English Mest lesið Íslensk kona í haldi: Hótelherbergi á Tenerife þakið blóði Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Breytinga að vænta á fylgi Flokks fólksins Innlent Boeing þota hrapaði í garð íbúðarhúss Erlent Dagur hvetur alla Sjálfstæðismenn til að strika sig út Innlent Sást á öryggismyndavélum þegar Diego var numinn á brott Innlent Lögreglumenn furðuðu sig á vígahnetti Innlent Á bak við auglýsingarnar um Dag en skráður í Samfylkinguna Innlent Sjálfstæðismaður vill ekki að sitt fólk striki Dag út Innlent Dómsmál setur áform Heidelberg í uppnám Innlent