Bjarnason Responsible for Letter from Justice Department 26. júní 2006 11:55 Björn Bjarnason dómsmálaráðherra Sigurður Líndal, professor emeritus in law says that Björn Bjarnason, Minister of Justice, is guilty of interfering with the investigation into Baugur and its top ranked employees, and that Bjarnason is guilty of partisan politics. Björn Bjarnason, on the behalf of the justice department sent a letter to the American goverment to inquire into investigation of Baugur and its holdings there. Baugur is one of the largest companies in Iceland and own Bónus, 365 media and various other companies. Accusations were made by Jón Gerald Sullenberger that the CEO and other top ranked employees were guilty of tax evasion, fraud and other crinimal acts. The case has already been acquitted in the Supreme Court of all charges but investigations have been reinstated. -mld News News in English Mest lesið Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent Sellur Sjálfstæðis- og Framsóknarflokks hafi komið í veg fyrir að samningar næðust Innlent Vilja byggja 30 þúsund fermetra verslunarkjarna Innlent Fyrrverandi þingmenn fá ekki sendiherrastöður Innlent „Óhjákvæmilega mikil sorg og vanlíðan“ þegar svona mál komi upp Innlent Stefán útvarpsstjóri vandar Mogganum ekki kveðjurnar Innlent Nýr borgarstjóri studdi tillögu sáttasemjara Innlent Ósáttir kennarar yfirgefa skólana Innlent Sama rúta olli skemmdum á bannsvæði í hádeginu Innlent
Sigurður Líndal, professor emeritus in law says that Björn Bjarnason, Minister of Justice, is guilty of interfering with the investigation into Baugur and its top ranked employees, and that Bjarnason is guilty of partisan politics. Björn Bjarnason, on the behalf of the justice department sent a letter to the American goverment to inquire into investigation of Baugur and its holdings there. Baugur is one of the largest companies in Iceland and own Bónus, 365 media and various other companies. Accusations were made by Jón Gerald Sullenberger that the CEO and other top ranked employees were guilty of tax evasion, fraud and other crinimal acts. The case has already been acquitted in the Supreme Court of all charges but investigations have been reinstated. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent Sellur Sjálfstæðis- og Framsóknarflokks hafi komið í veg fyrir að samningar næðust Innlent Vilja byggja 30 þúsund fermetra verslunarkjarna Innlent Fyrrverandi þingmenn fá ekki sendiherrastöður Innlent „Óhjákvæmilega mikil sorg og vanlíðan“ þegar svona mál komi upp Innlent Stefán útvarpsstjóri vandar Mogganum ekki kveðjurnar Innlent Nýr borgarstjóri studdi tillögu sáttasemjara Innlent Ósáttir kennarar yfirgefa skólana Innlent Sama rúta olli skemmdum á bannsvæði í hádeginu Innlent