Að þessu sinni mættust lið sem þeir LeBron James og Giannis Antetokounmpo völdu. Lið LeBron vann 178-164.
#KevinDurant (31 PTS, 6 3PM) wins #KiaAllStarMVP in the #TeamLeBron#NBAAllStar victory! pic.twitter.com/55kGnd3Dva
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019
Giannis skoraði sjálfur 38 stig og tók 11 fráköst. LeBron lét duga að skora aðeins 19 stig að þessu sinni.
Liðið hans LeBron setti met í þriggja stiga körfum í leiknum en alls setti liðið niður 35 þriggja stiga körfur. Durant átti sex af þessum körfum.
Hér að neðan má sjá fullt af myndböndum úr leiknum.
The BEST of #NBAAllStar record 62 combined made threes from #TeamGiannis and #TeamLeBron! pic.twitter.com/hov70r4ccR
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019
the top moments from #DirkNowitzki (9 PTS, 3-3 3PM) and #DwyaneWade (7 PTS, 4 AST) at #NBAAllStar! pic.twitter.com/luzSYJRI17
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019
#KhrisMiddleton (20), #RussellWestbrook (17), and #BlakeGriffin (10) come off the bench for #TeamGiannis and combine for 47 PTS! pic.twitter.com/In1lUi91kg
— 2019 NBA All-Star (@NBAAllStar) February 18, 2019
#KyrieIrving finishes with 13 PTS, 9 REB, 6 AST, helping #TeamLeBron come away victorious in Charlotte! #NBAAllStarpic.twitter.com/KqrQwBHvyx
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019
#DamianLillard CATCHES from beyond the arc, scoring 18 PTS off the bench in the #TeamLeBron win. #NBAAllStarpic.twitter.com/5Z0I7fr9eT
— 2019 NBA All-Star (@NBAAllStar) February 18, 2019
#TeamGiannis Captain #GiannisAntetokounmpo stuffs the stat sheet at #NBAAllStar with 38 PTS, 11 REB, 5 AST! pic.twitter.com/cONp2QaHyi
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019
#KawhiLeonard x #LeBronJames
The duo scores 19 PTS apiece as #TeamLeBron defeats #TeamGiannis, 178-164. pic.twitter.com/i7fdhCpTYv
— 2019 NBA All-Star (@NBAAllStar) February 18, 2019
@warriors teammates #StephenCurry (17 PTS, 7 AST, 9 REB) & #KlayThompson (20 PTS, 6 3PM) duel at #NBAAllStar! pic.twitter.com/qUe0FAl7qB
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019
#StephCurry to himself for the reverse jam! #NBAAllStarpic.twitter.com/6QRwT9l7I9
— NBA (@NBA) February 18, 2019