Instagram hjálpar notendum með geðræn vandamál Ritstjórn skrifar 9. maí 2017 11:00 Instagram ætlar að hjálpa notendum sínum. Vísir/Getty Instagram er sá samfélagsmiðill þar sem notendur birta nánast einungis glansmynd af lífi sínu. Þar má oft sjá fallegar sjálfur, myndir úr utanlandsverðum, vel uppstilltum mat og fleira. Fólk lítur oft út fyrir að vera hamingjusamt þegar það notar Instagram þegar það er alls ekki raunin. Ný herferð Instagram einblínir á að laga þetta vandamál. Með notkun kassamerkisins #HereForYou er hægt að sjá notendur deila reynslu sinni og opna umræðuna um geðræn vandamál og leggja áherslu á að finna hjálp. Markmiðið er að auðvelda notendum sem glíma við hin ýmsu veikindi að leita sér hjálpar. Nú þegar eru fjölmargir notendur búnir að deila sínum reynslusögum og búast má við að það eigi eftir að aukast enn meira á næstu dögum. Instagram leyfir einnig notendum að flagga við þá notendur nafnlaust sem þeir telja að eiga í hættu við að vera glíma við geðræn vandamál. I want to thank @instagram for continually creating a safe space for people to have conversations about mental health. I have seen & heard many brave people speak out about their own ever changing relationship to their mental illness; the ups & the downs, the triumphs & the pain. IG is a visual platform BUT many have used this space for more than just posting images. They have found communities and friends who support them, and places where they can speak openly and honestly about their lives. May is Mental Health Awareness month in America and @instagram asked me to join them on @goodmorningamerica with @robinrobertsgma & @marnelevine to talk about the new ways in which they are supporting these conversations and communities and how I chose to speak about my own experience with my upcoming film #FeedtheMovie . No one should suffer in silence. There is no shame in asking for help. Take this moment to let someone know we are #hereforyou A post shared by Troian Bellisario (@sleepinthegardn) on May 8, 2017 at 5:01am PDT Every day on Instagram, we see people share their mental health journeys and connect with communities of support. One of these powerful voices is Elyse Fox (, who channeled her own experience with depression into the creation of Sad Girls Club (@sadgirlsclubpbg) where young women around the world have found strength, courage and comfort in community. People like Elyse are helping to make illnesses that can be invisible to friends and family more visible through photos and videos. We're #hereforyou and inspired by our community's support and compassion for one another. A post shared by Kevin Systrom (@kevin) on May 8, 2017 at 10:29am PDT 'She doesn't look like she's depressed' 'But she still goes to work and functions how could she be mentally ill' 'I had no idea she was sick, she was smiling and laughing' 'She looked so put together though' Any of you ever heard things like that? Mental illness is not a look, body type, facial expression, or just one mood. Its not something that just shows up for an hour of your day while you cry your eyes out and then it goes away so that you can get on with your life. It stays with you whether you have makeup on and a fancy outfit, or you haven't showered in 4 days and you're wearing sweats. Whether you're laughing with your friends or in bed alone crying. Stop assuming that people are okay just by looking at them. ASK QUESTIONS, that's the only way you'll ever know. Don't let something go unnoticed just because someone seems like they are doing great. 1 in 4 people struggle with mental illness and a lot of those people go untreated. Mental illness can happen to anyone and they don't have to have 'a reason'. Post inspired by @selfloveliv @mindovermads_ #HereForYou A post shared by HoneyLoves (@honeylovesorg) on May 8, 2017 at 4:52pm PDT Mest lesið Karen Elson á Íslandi Glamour Jennifer Lawrence var rokkaraleg í prinsessukjól frá Dior Glamour Kim verður Kleópatra Glamour Fagurkerar fjölmenntu í opnun Geysir Heima Glamour Harry Bretaprins og Megan Markle hugguleg á stefnumóti Glamour „Eins og að vera í öskubuskuævintýri“ Glamour Stílisti Kardashian fjölskyldunnar eftirsótt í Hollywood Glamour Gigi Hadid var stjarna Tommy Hilfiger í London Glamour Svartklæddur rauður dregill á MTV-verðlaununum Glamour Anna Wintour og Amy Schumer skiptast á hlutverkum Glamour
Instagram er sá samfélagsmiðill þar sem notendur birta nánast einungis glansmynd af lífi sínu. Þar má oft sjá fallegar sjálfur, myndir úr utanlandsverðum, vel uppstilltum mat og fleira. Fólk lítur oft út fyrir að vera hamingjusamt þegar það notar Instagram þegar það er alls ekki raunin. Ný herferð Instagram einblínir á að laga þetta vandamál. Með notkun kassamerkisins #HereForYou er hægt að sjá notendur deila reynslu sinni og opna umræðuna um geðræn vandamál og leggja áherslu á að finna hjálp. Markmiðið er að auðvelda notendum sem glíma við hin ýmsu veikindi að leita sér hjálpar. Nú þegar eru fjölmargir notendur búnir að deila sínum reynslusögum og búast má við að það eigi eftir að aukast enn meira á næstu dögum. Instagram leyfir einnig notendum að flagga við þá notendur nafnlaust sem þeir telja að eiga í hættu við að vera glíma við geðræn vandamál. I want to thank @instagram for continually creating a safe space for people to have conversations about mental health. I have seen & heard many brave people speak out about their own ever changing relationship to their mental illness; the ups & the downs, the triumphs & the pain. IG is a visual platform BUT many have used this space for more than just posting images. They have found communities and friends who support them, and places where they can speak openly and honestly about their lives. May is Mental Health Awareness month in America and @instagram asked me to join them on @goodmorningamerica with @robinrobertsgma & @marnelevine to talk about the new ways in which they are supporting these conversations and communities and how I chose to speak about my own experience with my upcoming film #FeedtheMovie . No one should suffer in silence. There is no shame in asking for help. Take this moment to let someone know we are #hereforyou A post shared by Troian Bellisario (@sleepinthegardn) on May 8, 2017 at 5:01am PDT Every day on Instagram, we see people share their mental health journeys and connect with communities of support. One of these powerful voices is Elyse Fox (, who channeled her own experience with depression into the creation of Sad Girls Club (@sadgirlsclubpbg) where young women around the world have found strength, courage and comfort in community. People like Elyse are helping to make illnesses that can be invisible to friends and family more visible through photos and videos. We're #hereforyou and inspired by our community's support and compassion for one another. A post shared by Kevin Systrom (@kevin) on May 8, 2017 at 10:29am PDT 'She doesn't look like she's depressed' 'But she still goes to work and functions how could she be mentally ill' 'I had no idea she was sick, she was smiling and laughing' 'She looked so put together though' Any of you ever heard things like that? Mental illness is not a look, body type, facial expression, or just one mood. Its not something that just shows up for an hour of your day while you cry your eyes out and then it goes away so that you can get on with your life. It stays with you whether you have makeup on and a fancy outfit, or you haven't showered in 4 days and you're wearing sweats. Whether you're laughing with your friends or in bed alone crying. Stop assuming that people are okay just by looking at them. ASK QUESTIONS, that's the only way you'll ever know. Don't let something go unnoticed just because someone seems like they are doing great. 1 in 4 people struggle with mental illness and a lot of those people go untreated. Mental illness can happen to anyone and they don't have to have 'a reason'. Post inspired by @selfloveliv @mindovermads_ #HereForYou A post shared by HoneyLoves (@honeylovesorg) on May 8, 2017 at 4:52pm PDT
Mest lesið Karen Elson á Íslandi Glamour Jennifer Lawrence var rokkaraleg í prinsessukjól frá Dior Glamour Kim verður Kleópatra Glamour Fagurkerar fjölmenntu í opnun Geysir Heima Glamour Harry Bretaprins og Megan Markle hugguleg á stefnumóti Glamour „Eins og að vera í öskubuskuævintýri“ Glamour Stílisti Kardashian fjölskyldunnar eftirsótt í Hollywood Glamour Gigi Hadid var stjarna Tommy Hilfiger í London Glamour Svartklæddur rauður dregill á MTV-verðlaununum Glamour Anna Wintour og Amy Schumer skiptast á hlutverkum Glamour