Flips car in parking garage By Kjartan Atli Kjartansson 22. október 2014 17:13 The driver flipped his car. A security video from the parking garage under Höfðatorg has been published online, where the driver of a car can be seen trying to reverse at full speed into the gate of the garage. The video can be seen below. Albert Ómar Guðbrandsson is the caretaker for the parking garage. He published the video today, but the incident happened more than 3 years ago. "We've been asked countless times to publish the video, and decided to do so now after legal counseling. We were reluctant to publish it sooner, but we felt that this was the kind of video that the public should be allowed to see. Albert vividly recalls the night in question. "I was in the countryside when I got a call about it so I couldn't be there in person. But the police came with paramedics. Luckily, no one was injured." The damages were substantial, as the gate is quite expensive. "I think the damages were around 5 million Icelandic kronas," Albert adds. News in English Mest lesið Fjársöfnunin á borð lögreglu í enn eitt skiptið Innlent Dregur ummælin til baka og biðst afsökunar Innlent Segir ummæli Ásthildar Lóu ekki samræmast stöðu hennar Innlent Svara fyrir hylmingu í einu stærsta þjófnaðarmáli Íslandssögunnar Innlent Vilja vita hvort Jón Gunnarsson hafi brotið siðareglur þingmanna Innlent Lúffar af ótta við enn meira niðurrif Trumps Erlent Forsvarsmenn Tesla gjalda varhug við tollaaðgerðum stjórnvalda Erlent Segir samningsviljann hjá leikfélaginu engan Innlent Hafi gert ýmislegt til að bæta stöðuna í Breiðholti Innlent Finnar dæma norsk- rússneskan nýnasista fyrir stríðsglæpi í Úkraínu Erlent
A security video from the parking garage under Höfðatorg has been published online, where the driver of a car can be seen trying to reverse at full speed into the gate of the garage. The video can be seen below. Albert Ómar Guðbrandsson is the caretaker for the parking garage. He published the video today, but the incident happened more than 3 years ago. "We've been asked countless times to publish the video, and decided to do so now after legal counseling. We were reluctant to publish it sooner, but we felt that this was the kind of video that the public should be allowed to see. Albert vividly recalls the night in question. "I was in the countryside when I got a call about it so I couldn't be there in person. But the police came with paramedics. Luckily, no one was injured." The damages were substantial, as the gate is quite expensive. "I think the damages were around 5 million Icelandic kronas," Albert adds.
News in English Mest lesið Fjársöfnunin á borð lögreglu í enn eitt skiptið Innlent Dregur ummælin til baka og biðst afsökunar Innlent Segir ummæli Ásthildar Lóu ekki samræmast stöðu hennar Innlent Svara fyrir hylmingu í einu stærsta þjófnaðarmáli Íslandssögunnar Innlent Vilja vita hvort Jón Gunnarsson hafi brotið siðareglur þingmanna Innlent Lúffar af ótta við enn meira niðurrif Trumps Erlent Forsvarsmenn Tesla gjalda varhug við tollaaðgerðum stjórnvalda Erlent Segir samningsviljann hjá leikfélaginu engan Innlent Hafi gert ýmislegt til að bæta stöðuna í Breiðholti Innlent Finnar dæma norsk- rússneskan nýnasista fyrir stríðsglæpi í Úkraínu Erlent