Gas Scare in Eskifjörður 28. júní 2006 10:05 Sjúkraflug frá Eskifirði vegna eitrunnar sem kom upp þar. Tekið 27,06,06, 34 people had to be rushed to the hospital in Eskifjörður due to hydrogen chlorine gas that was the result of a acetic acid being mixed with the chloride in the swimming pool in Eskifjörður. This resulted in drop of the acid level in the pool and the HCI gas that came resulted in a chemical compound with the water which is life threating. The mistake was fortunately discovered by workers in the vicinity. The reaction of local officals was efficient and a chopper and airplane with medical staff aboard left from Reykjavík to assist in the rescue effort. Four people were taken to the hospital in Reykjavik but their condition is stable. The cause of the accident is said to be an error in shipment. Acetic acid was delivered to the swimming pool instead of chlorine. mld News News in English Mest lesið Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent Sellur Sjálfstæðis- og Framsóknarflokks hafi komið í veg fyrir að samningar næðust Innlent Vilja byggja 30 þúsund fermetra verslunarkjarna Innlent Fyrrverandi þingmenn fá ekki sendiherrastöður Innlent „Óhjákvæmilega mikil sorg og vanlíðan“ þegar svona mál komi upp Innlent Stefán útvarpsstjóri vandar Mogganum ekki kveðjurnar Innlent Nýr borgarstjóri studdi tillögu sáttasemjara Innlent Ósáttir kennarar yfirgefa skólana Innlent Sama rúta olli skemmdum á bannsvæði í hádeginu Innlent
34 people had to be rushed to the hospital in Eskifjörður due to hydrogen chlorine gas that was the result of a acetic acid being mixed with the chloride in the swimming pool in Eskifjörður. This resulted in drop of the acid level in the pool and the HCI gas that came resulted in a chemical compound with the water which is life threating. The mistake was fortunately discovered by workers in the vicinity. The reaction of local officals was efficient and a chopper and airplane with medical staff aboard left from Reykjavík to assist in the rescue effort. Four people were taken to the hospital in Reykjavik but their condition is stable. The cause of the accident is said to be an error in shipment. Acetic acid was delivered to the swimming pool instead of chlorine. mld
News News in English Mest lesið Sagði upp eftir tíðindi dagsins og segir fleiri uppsagnarbréf á leiðinni Innlent „Flokkur fólksins virðist hafa látið plata sig algjörlega“ Innlent Sellur Sjálfstæðis- og Framsóknarflokks hafi komið í veg fyrir að samningar næðust Innlent Vilja byggja 30 þúsund fermetra verslunarkjarna Innlent Fyrrverandi þingmenn fá ekki sendiherrastöður Innlent „Óhjákvæmilega mikil sorg og vanlíðan“ þegar svona mál komi upp Innlent Stefán útvarpsstjóri vandar Mogganum ekki kveðjurnar Innlent Nýr borgarstjóri studdi tillögu sáttasemjara Innlent Ósáttir kennarar yfirgefa skólana Innlent Sama rúta olli skemmdum á bannsvæði í hádeginu Innlent